Wednesday, May 7, 2008

you know you're an Au Pair in the USA when... ...

recebi este email de uma amiga... so para au pairs =)

em negrito o que eu me indentifiquei:

you always introduce yourself with : 'Hi! my name is (your name), I'm from (country) and I have (amount of children you are taking care of) children!!!' ... everybody is greeting you with a 'Hi.How are you!' and you can't respond fast enough, so you say it first!

the worst thing is, when the hosts are working from home -> porque as kids so querem ficar com os pais e voce fica perdida sem saber o que fazer

you spent all your money at the MALL and you still have nothing to wear

you hate Dora, The Wiggles and Thomas

you say silly instead of stupid

you go to PLAYDATES

you've seen more movies in one month than in your whole life at home

you drive over 30 minutes to a friend and you think it's not far

you only have other Au Pairs as your friends - quase

you can make pancake

you say 'like' and 'totally' every three words

someone has asked you stupid questions like: 'do you have cars in your country?' - 'You don't have Valentine's day?' - 'Where is your country?'

you don't think it's wrong to have cake AND ice cream

you park as close to the store as possible so you don't have to walk even one yard too far

you cherish moments of silence more than ever before

you notice yourself saying 'GOOD JOB' a hundred times a day

you wonder why you slept the whole night long so uncomfortable and you notice the next morning, you slept on a barbie, a lollypop, sandtoys, etc.

you need to be creative to find new punishments because a time-out doesn't work anymore ;-)

you have to admit to mistakes you never did or put the blame on you day for day

you're sure you don't want own kids within the next 100 years

you know now exactly how difficult it was for your parents to have little kids and you feel like saying thanks for all you've done to your mum and dad every day

you start to love disney movies again and can copy every passage of them

you've learned what it means to be patient

you know what a LCC is

you know that you should never SHAKE A BABY!!!

you take a nap, after you dropped of the kids at school (after being up for just 2h) - infelizmente eu nao tenho tempo livre, so se as duas kids dormem juntas, ai faco isso

you are DRIVING to the busstop to pick up your kids, which is only 200 meters from your house

the kids call you mum cause you spend too much time with them

you think $160 every weekend just for shopping and coffee are not that much

one cup of coffee doesn`t make you awake anymore, it just makes you alive

you or your friends are KELLERKINDER!!!!

you use Purell instead of washing your hands

instead of singing song from the radio your singing childrens songs


  1. recebi esse email tb, adorei!!! rsrsrs

    Agora o tio bush, fala serio hein?? ta de sacanagem!!!
    Obrigada Rafa, por ter mandado aquele negocio kkkk

    beijao com saudade :)

  2. Oi Rafa tudo bom? Sempre venho aqui hihihih olha vc é de PE? beijos

  3. Oi, Rafa...
    Em breve ja saberei o que é essa vida de au pair :)

    Adoro seus posts!


  4. Olá Rafa!!! Digo Rafa, pq sempre venho no seu blog, me sinto íntima! Td bem? (;
    Bom, estou quase fechando com uma família de Annandade, bem pertinho de você e de DC.Já conheço algumas au pairs, a Fer, a Carol que está indo pra sua cidade e resolvi falar com você!
    O que acha da área?
    Beijocas, Anna

  5. Oie Rafa!

    Que bom q vc esta melhor! Me identifiquei muito com seu Minhas kids nao me chamam de mom mas nao largam do meu p`e...


  6. you've seen more movies in one month than in your whole life at home

    Isso seria impossível! =P


  7. oi Rafa, adorei o post, li o ultimo tbm e achei legal que seu nivel de inglês ta bom e que deu tudo certo com seu kid e o braço dele.

  8. Rafaaaa atualiza aquiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!/
    Tipow sei que nem me conhece mais sou leitora assídua do seu blog.

